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All the partners met firstly on the eTwinning platform. They have used this platform for searching
partners, for international projects and professional development, finding it very easy and pleasant to use. 

We intend to use as much as possible the eTwinning platform for implementation – for the online tasks and for sharing the materials we create during the development of the project and also for the follow-up part and dissemination.



















Even if we are already involved in an eTwinning project, with the same name, where our students can collaborate and solve tasks by doing online research, we find it beneficial and crucial to the learning process because our students would have the possibility to meet and interact personally/face-to-face with their European colleagues, to work together in international groups, to search for more information about the tangible and intangible culture and natural heritage of the partner countries on site, through learning, teaching, training activities. This way they can benefit more from the learning process by Experiential Learning through concrete experiences, observation and reflection or active experimentation and by Sensory Stimulation Learning through the use of their five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch). Thereby, we can help our students to create a linkage between virtual learning and real experiences, conducive to a more attractive learning process. By this, they would have a complete understanding of the cultural heritage, of the similarities and differences among nations and would feel more attracted to the learning process.


The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Web-design and editor: Lidia Boje

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