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  • TV SIGHET - Romania

The Romanian project team was invited to the "ZESTREA MARAMURESULUI INVATA SI DU MAI DEPARTE" (The dowry of Maramureș - learn and carry on) TV show, to present the ABCW Erasmus+ project and some Maramureș traditional dances and traditions at TV SIGHET. The students attended an optional course called "Rădăcini străbune" (Ancestral roots), along with other schools from the Maramureș region, out of the desire to find more about their ancestral roots (traditions, dances, songs, customs, etc.). The course held at ”Octavian Goga” Secondary School was led by Mrs. Ramona Dabija, our headmistress and Mr. Mircea Mureșan, our Religion and dance teacher. Information about our project was presented by Mrs. Antoaneta Boje, our deputy director. - 31st May, 2019











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