
"The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage" Erasmus+ KA229 and eTwinning project is based on the UNESCO and national cultural heritage of the six European partner countries involved (Romania, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Iceland and Portugal). Through the #ERASMUSDAYS events we want to promote and disseminate our project, the activities and the final products.
Școala Gimnazială „Octavian Goga” Baia Mare, Romania
October 11, 2019 - the Romanian Erasmus+ project team organized the following activities for the ”EUROPEAN CULTURE IN OUR HEARTS AND MINDS”
ErasmusDays event:
9:00 Show: "European Dances"
10:00 Inauguration of the Exhibition "European friends sharing their cultural heritage" ("European friends sharing their cultural treasure" - which includes image presentations of mobility in Italy and Greece, organized in the first year of the project, 2018 - 2019)
11.00 Round Table - Testimonials “I'm a European Citizen!” (Round table - Declarations of the soul: "I am a European citizen!")
11:30 Film screening “Kandira - A Turkish Region with European Friends”
12:00 Parents in the project - testimonies
Istituto Comprensivo a indirizzo Musicale "Pestalozzi-Cavour" Palermo, Italy
Today great success for the Erasmus days celebration. A lot of classes participated with works, drawings, hand made flags, even an original poem and a flash mob! Parents, students and teachers that took part to mobilities, were interviewed by some other students. For the first time a large part of the school was involved in the dissemination.