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1st LTT activity - in Palermo, Italy
at ICS Pestalozzi - Cavour 
11th – 15th of March, 2019

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Intangible culture - the Mediterranean diet

During this learning activity, the students did some research on the Mediterranean diet, took photos and made videos of the food and drinks they ate or cooked with their host families.

This experience helped the students understands the cultural differences and similarities of the countries involved in the project by seeing and tasting the Mediterranean food and drinks and also by learning new recipes. Returning back to they home countries, they made presentations, shared the information on TwinSpace and contribute to the materials that were gathered in the Mediterranean diet e-book.


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Photos and videos from the 1st LTT activity 

C1 at ICS Pestalozzi - Cavour - Palermo, Italy

  • Varvakeio Model Gymnasium at Palermo (11th to 15th of March 2019) during the 1st LTT of the Erasmus+ project "The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage"

  • ​Kocaeli Kandıra Seyitaliler Atatürk Ortaokulu İtalya'da (Roma-Palermo) Erasmus+KA229 - video made by the Turkish team

The Romanian team's photo gallery from the meeting at ICS Pestalozzi - Cavour - Palermo, Italy

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