Intangible culture - the Mediterranean diet
During this learning activity, the students will do some research on the Mediterranean diet, will take photos and make videos of the food and drinks.
This experience will help the students understands the cultural differences and similarities of the countries involved in the project by seeing and tasting the Mediterranean food and drinks and also by learning new recipes. Returning back to they home countries, the pupils will make presentations, will share the information and TwinSpace and contribute to the materials that will be gathered in the European diet e-book.
Intangible culture - tradition songs and dances
During this learning activity, the students will do some research on the Greek tradition songs and dances, will take photos and make videos.
This experience will help the students understands the cultural differences and similarities of the countries involved in the project by seeing and listening the Greek songs and dance. Returning back to they home countries, the pupils will make presentations, will share the information and TwinSpace and contribute to the materials that will be gathered for the interactive lessons.
Natural heritage
During this learning activity, the students will do some research on the Portuguese natural heritage, will take photos and make videos with the Madeira Laurissilva Forest.
This experience will help the students understands the differences and similarities of the flora and fauna from each country involved. Returning back to their home countries, the pupils will make presentations, will share the information and TwinSpace and contribute to the materials that will be gathered for the presentations, padlets and interactive lessons.
Tangible culture
During this learning activity, the students will do some research on the Icelandic tangible culture, will take photos and make videos of the old church at Þingvellir, Lagberg - the largest parliament and the oldest and unique houses in Reykjavík.
This experience will help the students understands the cultural differences and similarities related to the intangible culture of Iceland and of the other partner countries. Returning back to they home countries, the students will make presentations, will share the information and TwinSpace as padlets and presentations and will contribute to the materials that will be gathered for the final products.
UNESCO and national heritage
During this learning activity, the students will compare all the materials gathered and will design games based on cultural heritage.
This experience will help the students understands the cultural differences and similarities of all the countries involved in the project by becoming more aware of European values and deepening their critical thinking skills.