Dissemination, Impact and
Exploitation of the results
Impact, dissemination and exploitation of results are intrinsically linked. They must be considered as activities in their own right in the context of the project, stemming from the proper implementation of its activities, results and indicator-based assessment.
Results are the achievements of the activity or project. The results can be material/tangible products such as curricula, studies, reports, materials or events. The results can also be immaterial/intangible: knowledge and experience acquired, increased skills for students and teachers, etc. directly attributable to the project activities.
Impact is the effect that the activity carried out and its results have on people, practices, organisations and systems. Dissemination and exploitation of results can help to maximise the effect of the activities being developed so that they will impact on the immediate participants and partners for years to come.
Dissemination is a planned process of providing information on the results of the project and the initiatives involved, to as many people as possible. To effectively disseminate results, an appropriate plan needs to be put in place at the beginning of the project, for dissemination during and after the funding period.
Source: http://www.agence-erasmus.fr/docs/2689_guide_anglais_en.pdf