Timetable - 2018
The following table presents chronologically all Learning, Teaching and Training Activities organised by the project, as well as any other project events (such as project management meetings, dissemination activities and other local activities and events in each school) provided in Mobility Tool+.
Virtual meeting
The 1st virtual staff meeting of the "The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage" Erasmus+ KA229 project was dedicated to all the 6 coordinators and their implementation teams to discuss about the project activities, the timetable, the short-term exchanges of groups of pupils, the materials that will be made during the development of this project, the selection of the students and teachers etc. The meeting was held on the eTwinning platform, as an event. The link to the meeting: https://live.etwinning.net/events/event/61814
Virtual meeting
The 1st virtual meeting with students and teachers of the "The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage" Erasmus+ KA229 project involved all the 6 partner schools: Romania, Greece, Turkey, Iceland, Italy and Portugal. During this meeting students introduced themselves to their European colleagues, presented their countries, cities and schools, showed the postcards they made for the winter postcard exchange and sang Christmas carols/Winter songs.
Dissemination/ promotion event
Let's celebrate together Romania 100
Video with our students in folk costumes, singing some traditional songs about Romanians, United Romania and its tricolor/flag: blue, yellow, red, the launch to the sky, to the partner countries of 100 colored balloons. Romanian folk dances.