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Timetable - 2019

The following table presents chronologically all Learning, Teaching and Training Activities organised by the project, as well as any other project events (such as project management meetings, dissemination activities and other local activities and events in each school) provided in Mobility Tool+.





Virtual meeting

2nd Virtual staff meeting - coordinators' meeting
During this meeting the coordinators of the partner schools from Romania, Greece, Turkey, Iceland, Italy and Portugal discussed about the work on the project that was done so far, the plans for the future months of the project and also about all the information necessary to be uploaded/written on the Mobility tool. 

The link to the eTwinning event:

11/03/2019 - 15/03/2019

Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

During this LTT activity (Palermo, Italy), the students did some research on the Mediterranean diet, took photos and made videos of the traditional food and drinks.
The participants were involved in some fact-finding visits to UNESCO /national heritage monuments belonging to Arab-Norman itinerary, Palazzo delle Aquile, the Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum, etc.
The participants were involved in a workshop regarding the Mediterranean diet where the host families offered a Mediterranean lunch with a lot of Sicilian specialties and information about all the ingredients included in the recipes. The Italian students presented their school, city, monuments, attractions, diet etc.


Dissemination event

Dissemination meeting with teachers and the school staff for "The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage" Erasmus+ KA229 project. During this dissemination we will discuss about the 1st LTT activity (Short-term exchange of groups of pupils) that took place at I.C.S . Pestalozzi-Cavour in Palermo, Italy, from 11th to 15th of March 2019.
Location: Scoala Gimnaziala "Octavian Goga" Baia Mare
The event was also promoted on eTwinning:


Dissemination event

Dissemination meeting with students, parents and teachers for "The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage" Erasmus+ KA229 project, for the first LTT activity in Palermo, Italy, 11th - 15th March, 2019.

Location: Scoala Gimnaziala "Octavian Goga" Baia Mare
Participants: Students, teachers, parents, local community representatives
The event was also promoted on eTwinning:
Italian Day - Dissemination C1 - workshop
Workshop with traditional Italian food cooked by students and their families, teachers, Italian dances performed by our students, testimonies, videos and
photo exhibition from the LTT activity in Palermo, Italy.


Teachers' meeting online

Erasmus+ project "The ABC of Wonders-knowing our heritage" - Preparing the 2nd LTT activity at Varvakeio Model Gymnasium, Athens, Greece.
Σκοπός της εκδήλωσης είναι η προετοιμασία της 2ης διακρατικής συνάντησης του έργου "The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage", η οποία θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Βαρβάκειο Πρότυπο Γυμνάσιο το χρονικό διάστημα 13-17 Μαΐου 2019. Στην εκδήλωση θα συμμετέχουν γονείς, μαθητές και καθηγητές, οι οποίοι θα συνεργαστούν μεταξύ τους και θα ανταλλάξουν απόψεις και ιδέες για την καλύτερη οργάνωση της συνάντησης.
Location: Βαρβάκειο Πρότυπο Πειραματικό
Γυμνάσιο, Psyxiko

eTwinning event:


Dissemination event

Grafarvogsblaðið Newspaper - Iceland

13/05/2019 - 17/05/2019 

Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

During this LTT activity (Athens, Greece), the students did some research on the traditional songs and dances of the countries involved, took photos and made videos of the Greek traditional songs and dances. The participants were involved in some fact-finding visits to UNESCO /national heritage monuments, like: the Archaeological Site of Kolona and the Archaeological Museum of Aegina, Monumental buildings in Aegina Town, the Museum of Cultural Heritage, the Archaeological Site of Eleusis and the museum, the Archaeological Site of the Acropolis - UNESCO World Heritage, the city center/Plaka and the “Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments”, the Open Air Glyptotheque of Psychiko.
The participants were involved in workshop/ activities regarding the cultural heritage and the traditional Greek songs and dances: “Tell me about your cultural heritage” and “Traditional Greek Dances”, an excerpt the ancient Greek tragedy “Iketides” performed by the Greek students, traditional songs and dances of each country presented by each team, based on their research and musical performance by the Greek team “Songs of immigration”. Through educational projects like: “Students guide students in ancient theatres” in collaboration with “Diazoma” federation or “Walk around Plaka with my classmates” organized by the “School Life and Education Museum” the Greek students presented their city and archaeological sites.
The guest students accompanied the Greek students to their classes and learned about the Greek educational system, the scoring system, the resources used by teachers for their lessons, etc.


Dissemination event

TV SIGHET - Romania
The Romanian project team was invited to the "ZESTREA MARAMURESULUI INVATA SI DU MAI
DEPARTE" (The dowry of Maramureș - learn and carry on) TV show, to present the ABCW Erasmus+ project and some Maramureș traditional dances and traditions at TV SIGHET. The students attended an optional course called "Rădăcini străbune" (Ancestral roots), along with other schools from the Maramureș region, out of the desire to find more about their ancestral roots (traditions, dances, songs, customs, etc.). The course held at ”Octavian Goga” Secondary School was led by Mrs. Ramona Dabija, our headmistress and Mr. Mircea Mureșan, our Religion and dance teacher. Information about our project was presented by Mrs. Antoaneta Boje, our deputy director. - 31st May, 2019


Dissemination event

Dissemination meeting at I.C.S. Pestalozzi-Cavour -1st and 2nd LTT activities In Palermo, Italy and at Varvakeio Model Gymnasium, Athens, Greece.
Dissemination meeting. The students participating to the 1st and the 2nd LTT activities talk about their experience and disseminate the results:  Mediterranean diet and Traditional songs and dances.
The event was also promoted on eTwinning:


Dissemination event

Greek Day Dissemination C2 - workshop organized at “Octavian Goga” Secondary School in Baia Mare.
Participants: Students, teachers, parents, local community representatives.
Workshop with traditional Greek food cooked by students and their families, teachers, Greek dances performed by our students and teachers, testimonies, videos and photo exhibition from the LTT activity in Athens, Greece


Dissemination event

WRITING SKILLS”, Nr. 2, ediția a III-a, 2019, din cadrul Proiectului interjudețean ”BE CREATIVE, HAVE FUN, FEEL FREE!“, CAERI 2019, poziția 1560` international symposium, ISSN 2601–8845, pages 16 - 18

07 - 08/2019

eTwinning / TwinSpace activity

Summer holiday - sharing experiences

How did you spend your Summer Vacation?

Are there any traditional ways of spending the summer vacation in your country?

Please share your thoughts/experience and photos with the other European colleagues here, on this padlet:

25/09/2019 - 27/09/2019

Transnational Project

Milestone meeting
During this management/staff project meeting, the coordinators, headmasters and teachers
from the project teams:
- discussed about and evaluated the project activities that took place so far, during the first year of the project;
- discussed about situations or problems they faced so far working on the project in order to ensure an effective management and avoid possible crisis and conflicts further on;
- shared the materials about the Mediterranean diet and traditional diets their students worked on (students research and international group work from C1 - from Palermo, Italy), and selected the materials to be published in the European diet e-book;
- teachers worked on the final product - the European diet e-book;
-the teams shared the student’s presentations on the Intangible culture - tradition songs and dances (students research and international group work from C2- from Athens, Greece), selected the materials and worked on some IWB lessons.

On the last day of the meeting:
- the teams selected the materials that will be added on the project website,
TwinSpace and Erasmus+ Project Results Platform; -the teams also discussed about and sketched different promotional methods that will be used further on for the project, like T-shirts, flyers, articles etc.;
- teachers analyzed the results of the questionnaires applied to students, parents and teachers that were involved in the first two transnational meetings and discussed about ways of improving the activities for the future transnational meetings if necessary;
- teachers monitored and evaluated the intermediate results and discuss about the future meetings and eTwinning activities; - teachers gathered information, photos and videos about the UNESCO/National Heritage, about the Turkish educational system, culture, traditions, diet etc., from this meeting, made a PPT presentation for the students to share it with them when they return to their home countries.



Dissemination event

Turkish Day - Dissemination of Transnational Project Staff Meeting (teachers only) in Turkey - workshop organized at “Octavian Goga” Secondary School Baia Mare and dissemination activities organized at the partner schools 

Participants: Students, teachers, parents, community representatives.
Workshop with traditional Turkish food cooked by students and their families, teachers, Turkish dances, testimonies, videos and photo exhibition from the mobility at Seyitaliler Atatürk Ortaokulu,
KOCAELİ/Kandıra, Turkey.

10/10/2019 - 12/10/2019 

ErasmusDays 2019

Dissemination event

Being at the end of the first year of our Erasmus+ project, through #ERASMUSDAYS 2019 we organized an event in order to promote and disseminate our project, the activities and the final products we've done so far. The Romanian teachers and students from the project team organized an event called 'EUROPEAN CULTURE IN OUR HEARTS AND MINDS' that included a round table, testimonies, an exhibition with photos from the LTT activities in Palermo - Italy, Athens - Greece and the Project staff meeting in Kocaeli/Kandira - Turkey, an exhibition with the greeting cards exchanged so far, presentations made by the Romanian students for the project and posted on our TwinSpace and a flash mob in the school for students, teachers, parents and local authorities from Maramureș School Inspectorate. They also presented some traditional European dances from the partner countries involved.

The event was also promoted on eTwinning:
The Italian project team also organized an event regarding the Erasmus+ projects from I.C.S. PESTALOZZI-CAVOUR, Palermo, Italy, called 'GENERAZIONE ERASMUS: IN VIAGGIO VERSO L’EUROPA'.

21/10/2019 - 25/10/2019

Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

During this LTT activity (Madeira, Portugal), the students did some research on the UNESCO world natural heritage, Portuguese national natural heritage and cultural heritage and also learned about the ways Portuguese people protect their environment. On the first day of the LTT activity, the project team of teachers from Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva introduced the students to the to the Madeira project – a research project they have to work on splited the students into international groups, assigned them tasks and a PPT presentation with the flora or fauna of the island (the environment), where they had to add photos from the fact-finding visits they made, comments and impressions. On the last day of the LTT activity, they shared with all the participant their findings and debated in them.
Students also learned about ways of protecting the environment and ways of facing natural disasters on the island. They could also see the remaining and de damages the natural disasters left behind since they happened a few years ago: fire, floods, etc. The participants were involved in fact-finding visits to UNESCO/national natural heritage and cultural heritage sites and monuments, like: Monte Palace Tropical Garden, the Laurissilva forest, Ribeiro Frio Forest Park, a levada walk to Balcões, a catamaran tour etc.


Dissemination event

Madeira Day - Dissemination C3 - workshop organized at “Octavian Goga” Secondary School Baia Mare and dissemination activities organized at the partner schools

Participants: Students, teachers, parents, community representatives.
Workshop with traditional Portuguese food cooked by students and their families, teachers, Portuguese dances performed by our students and teachers, testimonies, videos and photo exhibition from the LTT activity in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.


Dissemination event

RTP Play - Portugal
The Portuguese coordinator, Manuela Monteiro from Escola Básica e  ecundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva, Funchal, Portugal, was live at the RTR Play local radio station to disseminate the school participation in Erasmus+ projects, on the 27th of November 2019:


Virtual meeting

2nd virtual meeting with teachers and students of the "The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage" Erasmus+ KA229 project.
During this meeting students presented the greeting cards they made for the Winter postcard exchange, sang together some traditional Christmas carols/ Winter songs of each partner country, shared some traditional Christmas and New Year food recipes, presented some of the handmade products they made during the "Let's celebrate Autumn!" workshops, etc.
This activity represented another way of getting in touch with the intangible cultural heritage of each partner country related to traditions, food, songs, etc. During this meeting we also celebrated the Code Week and encouraged our students to create
some Scratch games on the winter or cultural heritage theme during this Winter vacation and share them on a Padlet, on a special page of our TwinSpace.
The event was created on eTwinning:


CodeWeek 2019

CodeWeek 2019:
The 2nd virtual meeting with teachers and students of the "The ABC of Wonders - knowing our heritage" Erasmus+ KA229 project involves all the 6 partner schools: Romania, Greece, Turkey, Iceland, Italy and

During the meeting we will also celebrate the Code Week and encourage our students to create some Scratch games on the winter or cultural heritage theme during this Winter vacation and share them on a Padlet, on a special page of our TwinSpace.

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Web-design and editor: Lidia Boje

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