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Our Project Mascots

The journey of our Project Mascots - John and Mary

Our Project Mascots, John and Mary (Ion și Maria - their Romanian names, as they originally departured from Romania) visited all partner countries during the 36 months of our project, to learn about the UNESCO and national heritage, to make new friends, to bring home souvenirs and to tell wonderful stories of the things they saw.

From Romania to Italy

Dressed in the Maramureș/Romanian folk costumes, they began their journey by joining the Romanian team to their first LTT to Palermo, Italy.

Here, Rosalba, the Italian coordinator and their new friends warmly welcomed them to ICS Pestalozzi-Cavour.

During their stay in Italy, they tasted the Sicilian/Mediterranean diet, they learned new recipes and they received a lot of gifts.

The Mascots' first mobility .jpg

From Italy to Greece

With their luggage full of souvenirs, photos and great memories, they left Palermo and joined the Italian team on their flight to Greece.

Here, Aigli, the Greek coordinator and the students from Varvakeio Model Gymnasium, welcomed them to Athens.

During their stay in Greece, they learned traditional songs and dances, saw amazing landscapes and historical monuments and added new souvenirs in their luggage (traditional musical instruments). 

John and Mary in Athens.JPG

From Greece to Turkey

Our mascots left Greece and went to Turkey to attend the Staff Meeting in Kandira.

Here, Murat, the Turkish coordinator, Ibrahim and the project team from Seyitaliler Atatürk Ortaokulu welcomed them.

They stayed here only for one month but they enjoyed learning about the UNESCO heritage of Turkey, they made new friends and they enjoyed the warm weather going to the beach each day. 

From Turkey to Portugal

With new Turkish traditional folk costumes and two new little mascot friends, John and Mary embarked on their longest flight yet to Madeira, Portugal.

Manuela, the Portuguese coordinator, their new ”parents”  Maria and Ricardo and the Portuguese project team welcomed them with a musical performance and a great feast at Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Angelo Augusto da Silva.

During their stay here, they learned a lot of new things about the natural heritage of Madeira island, the Mediterranean diet and traditional folk dances.

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From Portugal to Iceland

Dressed in Portuguese traditional folk costumes (from Funchal, Madeira) and carrying a lot of beautiful memories from the picturesque Madeira island, John and Mary tried a new way of transport to Iceland. Because of the Covid 19 pandemic, they could not be accompanied by the Turkish project team to Reykjavík, so they went there by post.

Their new ”mummies”, Inga - the Icelandic coordinator and Ninna, greeted them with open arms at Rimaskóli, ready to show them the wonders of the Viking lands. Dressed with Icelandic traditional warm costumes, they started their journey across the country.

From Iceland back to Romania

During the virtual LTT activity in Iceland, John and Mary shared the photos and videos they took while visiting the country with Inga and Ninna.

And, because the end of the project was near, they had to return home to attend the last virtual LTT activity in Romania. 

Their luggage was full with all the gifts they received from their friends in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Portugal and Iceland, but they also brought home a lot of stories and great memories to share with their Romanian team. 

Their mummy, Doina, Lidia - the European coordinator, Antoaneta - the local Romanian coordinator and the whole project team were waiting for them for over 30 months.

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