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IWB Lessons - Wikis

erasmusabcw wiki page.png

Wiki workspace - PBworks system


An essential database with all the materials gathered during each LTT activity and our TwinSpace work is used for the IWB (Interactive whiteboard) lessons, as final product.

We intend to use further on the materials created during the development of our project (e-books, videos, presentations, cultural heritage themed games and puzzles, cross-curricular IWB lessons etc.) and integrate them in the school curriculum.

We also intend to post them on the website of the project, disseminate them and distribute them for free to other interested schools.

We will keep the project website operational even after the end of the project, for as long as possible.

The materials created are also available at each partner's school library for anyone interested.

The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

© 2023 by Back 2 School. Proudly created with

Web-design and editor: Lidia Boje

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